Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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The answer is: Luke

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus might remind us of a quintessential underdog story. The chief tax collector of Jericho, he was literally and figuratively on the fringes of society. Many loathed tax collectors back in the day, as they often lined their own pockets while collecting Roman taxes from fellow Jews. Naturally, this made Zacchaeus the last person you’d expect to have a heartwarming encounter with Jesus. Yet, here he is, perched in a sycamore tree, a childlike version of himself as he strains to see over the crowd.

What makes this story so remarkable is the sheer openness of Jesus, who sees Zacchaeus for who he could be, rather than who he is at the moment. This very human practice of letting goes of social hierarchies is echoed throughout Jesus' engagements—as noted by Luke, the Gospel writer who leans into themes of mercy and inclusion.

As a fun tidbit, did you know that Zacchaeus means “sweet” or “innocent” in Hebrew? Ironically, in his job, he was notorious for anything but sweetness! When Jesus declares he’s going to stay at Zacchaeus’ house, there’s a symbolic level of acceptance here—a literal breaking of the social and religious boundaries set at the time.

After his encounter with Jesus, Zacchaeus transforms; that's the essence of true heart change. Following in this tradition of transformation could open the door for anyone, perhaps even us, to step out of judgment into authentic acceptance. Open our hearts, and miracles happen!

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