Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

How old was David when he died?


Find this question in our King David Bible Quiz

The answer is: 70

2 Sam 5:4; 1 Ki 2:10-11

When we think about King David, we often imagine the slayer of Goliath or the poetic heart behind psalms—his life was truly a tapestry of triumph and turmoil. He lived to the ripe old age of 70, which was quite significant during that time. For context, it’s important to remember that people in biblical times sometimes faced harsh realities, with many not living much beyond their 30s and 40s.

David's life spanned decades of active ruling and military endeavors, from shepherding to kingship, and carrying both crowns and burdens. His rule over Israel lasted 40 years—often considered a golden age for the kingdom. Interestingly, his age at death also mirrors the lifespan of another significant biblical figure, Moses, who also died at 120, but was taken in full vigor after years of leadership.

It's curious to note how David’s legacy lived on not just through his reign but through his lineage. His son Solomon succeeded him, and establishing a dynasty was no small thing! David famously fell into moral quandaries and sin, famously documented in tales about Bathsheba, reminding us that even the greatest among us come with flaws.

In trailing through David’s life, one might find fascinating echoes in the storylines of kings and rulers throughout history who struggled, soared, and shaped their nations, partaking in world-changing choices that echo eons later. David reminds us that life—even in its imperfections—has the potential for grace and greatness.

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