Bible Trivia

Which Book of the Bible?

Bible Trivia Quiz

Which Book of the Bible? Quiz

10 Bible Trivia Questions

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Enter the name of the book in each space provided - spelling must be correct. Use the simple forms of book names rather than extended.

This book of the Bible describes the formation of the early church and the preaching of the Gospel throughout the Greek and Roman world by the apostles, in particular, the apostle Paul.
This book of the Bible contains the musings of King Solomon on the pointlessness of worldly activities. It concludes with the message that the duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments.
This book of the Bible describes the visions of a prophet regarding the coming judgment on the country of Edom and the eventual triumph of Zion.
This book of the Bible is a letter written by the apostle Paul which includes many expressions of rejoicing and joyfulness. Paul also tells his audience that every knee should bow at the name of Jesus. He also particularly commends Timothy and Epaphroditus.
This book of the Bible describes the conquest of the land of Canaan by Moses' successor, including such incidents as the destruction of Jericho and Ai. It also contains the division of the land between the twelve tribes.
This book of the Bible describes the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem following the return from captivity, and the various reforms implemented at this time. Opposition to the rebuilding of the wall is led by Sanballat and Tobiah.
This book of the Bible is the story of the life and death of Jesus which includes many of his sayings and prayers. In particular we have recorded for us, Jesus explaining that a man must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God, and Jesus explaining that he is the bread of life.
This book of the Bible is a letter written by Paul to a man whose slave has run away from him. Paul pleads for the slave to be received home again because they are all brothers in the Lord.
This book of the Bible contains poetry written by the prophet Jeremiah. Each chapter is written in the style of an acrostic in the original Hebrew alphabet. The poems show the prophet's distress at the affliction of Jerusalem.
This book of the Bible describes the story of a Moabite woman who married into a Jewish family. After her husband dies she returns to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law and takes care of her. Whilst gleaning in the fields she meets her second husband, and has a son whose name is Obed.

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